Notes from YOW! 2014: Gojko Adzic on ‘Make Impacts, Not Software’

I attended YOW! Sydney 2014 and thought some people might get something useful out of my notes. These aren’t my complete reinterpretations of every slide, but just things I jotted down that I thought were interesting enough to remember or look into further.

Gojko Adzic (@gojkoadzic) spoke about the trouble of aligning strategy and the desired impacts of projects with the implementation of the software.

Palchinsky Principles

An ant carrying a leaf. Ants are known to carry far more than their own weight, a great example of having a big impact.He spent some time discussing the Palchinsky principles, from Russian engineer Peter Palchinsky as documented in Tim Harford’s book ‘Adapt’.

The principles, intended to guide the development of innovations, are:

  1. Variation: We should seek out new ideas and try new things.
  2. Survivability: We should do things on a scale where failure is survivable. (This is why stories should be small. Not so that we can finish them in an iteration, but because they might be wrong.)
  3. Selection: We should seek out feedback and learn from mistakes.

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Notes from YOW! 2014: Jeff Patton on ‘User Story Mapping: Discover the Whole Story’

I attended YOW! Sydney 2014 and thought some people might get something useful out of my notes. These aren’t my complete reinterpretations of every slide, but just things I jotted down that I thought were interesting enough to remember or look into further.

Jeff Patton (@jeffpatton) was billed to present a “fast paced workshop [where] you’ll learn the concepts of story mapping by building a map collaboratively with others”. He shared lots of great insights about stories but (I felt) really only touched on Story Mapping briefly near the end of the time. Still, I collected some good notes about stories that made me re-think a few things…

He started by showing this great list of wrong things he used to think about stories. Stupid stuff Jeff Patton used to belive about Agile stories Continue reading

Notes from YOW! 2014: Jez Humble on ‘The Lean Enterprise’

I attended YOW! Sydney 2014 and thought some people might get something useful out of my notes. These aren’t my complete reinterpretations of every slide, but just things I jotted down that I thought were interesting enough to remember or look into further.

A man in a suit, who probably works for an enterprise, running in a marathon and looking very agileJez Humble (@jezhumble), co-author of ‘Continuous Delivery’, spoke on The Lean Enterprise, specifically “the principles that enable rapid, software-driven innovation at scale” and how to transform organisations. (Slides)

He briefly covered the three horizons method of innovation and highlighted that you actually need to plan and be executing on all 3 at any one time. They also need separate management styles and reporting lines so that they don’t try to squash each other in departmental trade-offs or management bunfights. The two management styles are explore (discover new stuff) and exploit (capitalise on existing assets). Continue reading

The Top UX Trends of 2014 (Condensed)

I just read this nice post on ‘The Top UX Trends of 2014‘ on It had some useful observations, but was a bit long, so I’ve written up a summary…

Integration of social media into business practice (not just marketing) has become a necessity.

Large companies are realising the importance of user-centred development and are building in-house UX teams. Continue reading

Notes from YOW! 2014: Martin Thompson and Todd L. Montgomery on ‘How Did We End Up Here?’

I attended YOW! Sydney 2014 and thought some people might get something useful out of my notes. These aren’t my complete reinterpretations of every slide, but just things I jotted down that I thought were interesting enough to remember or look into further.

Cows standing in front of a burning barn.Martin Thompson (@mjpt777) and Todd L. Montgomery (@toddlmontgomery) discussed the state of the software industry at YOW! 2014, including “barbequing” a whole herd of sacred cows. (Slides)

A Dr Dobbs 2010 report into IT project success showed a correlation between higher numbers of people on a project and higher rates of failure. Even the best performing methodologies still have >10% failure. Continue reading

Notes from Microservices Talk by Zhamak Dehghani

People have started using honeycombs and hex shapes to depict microservices architectures. Who knows why?A couple of weeks ago, I went along with a couple of other Tyro software engineers to hear Zhamak Dehghani speak about microservices at a “YOW Nights” event, hosted by Optivar and sponsored by ThoughtWorks. It was so good that we asked Zhamak if she’d come into the Tyro office and give a re-run for the whole Engineering team and she kindly obliged. What a legend! Thanks again Zhamak!

I’d already read a lot about microservices (MS), mostly thanks to the excellent pages of links put together by Adrian Rossouw and Matt Stine. Zhamak covered a lot of ground that I was already familiar with, but she also touched on many things that were new and interesting to me, so I thought I would write about a few here. Continue reading

Does Java 8’s lambda capability make Scala obsolete?

How does using Java 8's lambdas compare to writing Scala?I didn’t think anyone would seriously ask this question. However, after yesterday’s post about why your company should let you use Scala at work, which used a simple example showing the use of lambdas in Scala, I had someone write in the comments:

“java 8 equivalent of your example would be identical, no need for Scala…”

and someone else commented on Twitter:

The call to compare against Java 8 is a fair one, so here we go… Continue reading

From the Archive: Why Your Company Should Let You Use Scala at Work

From the archive: Originally written in January 2010, this post from my old blog, Graham Hacking Scala, has been consistently popular ever since and I thought it deserved a new lease on life here…

Java at work: an increasingly frustrating experience

If Raffa wanted to use Scala at work because he thought it would help him win, would you make him use Java?A colleague and I were writing a test in Java today and I had one of those “I can’t believe it takes this much work to write this stupid function” moments. If you do any Scala programming but still do a lot of Java programming, you’ll know exactly what I mean. I’ll walk you through a mock of what we were doing and you can see why Scala just pummels Java when it comes to expressiveness. (Early warning: do not use the word “expressive” when trying to convince your manager to let you use Scala at work.) Continue reading

9 Design Patterns Translated Into Java 8’s Lambdas


There’s been a lot of hype around lambdas getting introduced in Java 8, and I have a good theory on why: hype is often born out of anticipation, and we’ve been anticipating lambdas in Java for a LONG time.


A lambda spray paint pattern, the same design as in Half-LifeThe funny thing is that lambdas don’t, by themselves, do anything new. They’re just a succinct form for turning a block of code into an object that can be passed around – syntactic sugar. Some of us have been doing this for a while without the succinctness and we call it… object-oriented programming! Yes, passing blocks of code (aka functions) around as objects (aka values) is also core to functional programming, but certainly not unique to it.


Somewhere that this idea of “passing code around” is heavily utilised is in Continue reading

RxJava Threading Examples

I recently used RxJava while creating an add-on for Stash, the Git repository management tool from Atlassian. The plugin’s called “Who’s the Expert?” and it analyses commits to a repository to help answer two questions:

  1. “Who has contributed the most to this project over the past few years?” and
  2. “Who has made the most significant changes in recent months?”

A Problem Worthy of RxJava’s Attention

This picture of water drops on the threads of a spider web reminded me of the bubble diagrams the RxJava team uses to explain how values move through the libraryIn order to achieve this, the plugin has to process a lot of data: it pulls all commits on the default branch for the last 2.5 years and analyses the content of every single one. I knew two things about this code in advance: first, there were going to be a lot of steps to go from a repository name to a leaderboard of the most influential committers, and second, I was pretty certain I’d need some multi-threading mojo in order to get it to perform in an acceptable time frame.
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