Microservices: The Benefits and Costs

'Mycenaean Bronze Scales' - a set of ancient, bronze scales. Any tech team should weigh microservices benefits against their costs before deciding whether to make the switch. Photographed by Mark Cartwright.

If you work in tech, you’ve almost definitely heard about microservices: the trendy style of software architecture where a system is split into multiple, independently-releasable services, that are modelled around business domains, and communicate via a network. Some people rave about all the amazing things they’ve achieved by using microservices’ benefits. Others rant about how much of their time it wastes and how much they hate it.

Like pretty much everything in tech, microservice architecture is a trade-off. Will it do great things for your organisation or not? That depends largely on how well set up you are to take advantage of the benefits and to absorb the costs.

Microservice Architecture is a trade-off. Whether it's going to do great things for your organisation depends on how well set up you are to take advantage of the benefits and absorb the costs. Read more: Microservices: The Benefits and Costs Share on X

If you’re looking to make a decision about whether to use microservices in your team (or reverse one!), here’s a list of many of the pros and cons which you’ll want to consider.

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Using Microservices to Make Costly Deployments Less Frequent

This article on costly deployments is part of a series on How to Choose Your First Microservices.

Switching to a new software architecture style is costly. I advocate choosing where to employ microservices first by using them to solve existing problems in the team. This helps the organisation extract value from the new architecture with each step towards the new world. This series is working through a set of problems that your org may have, and how microservices might help solve them.

Tricky Deployments

A fighter jet on an aircraft carrier being signalled to launch by two ground staff. Launching a fighter jet is a costly deployment, just as deploying a monolith may be.

Some components of your system will be tricker to deploy than others. This is true regardless of whether you’ve already got microservices or you’re deploying a monolith. Some components might be in use by 1000s of customers 24×7, while others might only be used once a month. Upgrading a component might require other components to be placed into a certain state, while others can be upgraded independently of the rest of the system. Coordination may be required between multiple teams in order to effect a trouble-free deploy of some components, whereas others might be actioned by a single person.

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Using Microservices to Solve Developers Stepping on Each Other’s Toes

This article on reducing merge conflicts is part of a series on How to Choose Your First Microservices.

Switching to a new software architecture style is costly. I advocate choosing where to employ microservices first by using them to solve existing problems in the team. This helps the organisation extract value from the new architecture with each step towards the new world. This series is working through a set of problems that your org may have, and how microservices might help solve them.

Is your team wasting a lot of time working around each other?

A side-collision car crash at an intersection, surrounded by emergency personnel. Like this, merge conflicts can be messy and dangerous.

If you have a large team of developers working in a single code base, it’s inevitable that the work of some team members will interfere with the work of others. Many of us are now using tools (like git) and processes (like continuous integration) that can lessen the impact of interference. (Although other modern practices like feature branching can make conflicts worse.)

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Using Microservices to Solve Slow Build Times

This article on slow build times is part of a series on How to Choose Your First Microservices.

Switching to a new software architecture style is costly. I advocate choosing where to employ microservices first by using them to solve existing problems in the team. This helps the organisation extract value from the new architecture with each step towards the new world. This series is working through a set of problems that your org may have, and how microservices might help solve them.

Slow Build Times?

A snail crossing a road, which might happen faster your slow build time.

Does your team have an application that takes a long time to build and run tests? Is a large portion of the development team working on it? That could be a huge amount of idle time you’re pouring down the drain. The classic XKCD ‘Compiling’ comic makes light of developers enjoying the time they spend waiting for their code to build. The truth for most devs is they would far prefer to be making fast progress on their work than sitting around waiting.

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How to Choose Your First Microservices

Are you early in your microservices journey? Maybe you’ve decided you need to start deploying applications outside your monolith but you haven’t cut any code yet. Or maybe you’ve put your first few services into production and addressed some of the first pains that happen when you start on that path.

A large number of interacting LEGO cogs making one large machine, similar to a monolith from which you want to break out your first microservices

A common question that comes up for teams at around this time is:

“What should we split out into a microservice first?

And why?”

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Distributed Transactions: The Icebergs of Microservices

An antarctic iceberg which, much like distributed transactions in microservices, can be hard to see and can wreck your ship.Why are distributed transactions icebergs? It’s not because they’re cool and beautiful and you have to look under the surface to comprehend them.

Distributed transactions are icebergs because (1) it’s easy to not see them, even when they’re right in front of you, and (2) if you run into one, it’s got a great potential to sink your ship. Continue reading

Why “Don’t Use Shared Libraries in Microservices” is Bad Advice

A man licking an ice cream while a dog tries to lick it as well. Reminiscent of the kind of undesirable coupling created by shared libraries in microservices

Sharing isn’t always a good idea.

If you’ve read a bit about microservices, you’ll probably have come across the mantra, “Don’t use shared libraries in microservices.” This is bad advice.

While the sentiment is borne from real issues and there’s real wisdom to be gained in this area, this little statement is too pithy, lacking the relevant context to make it useful. Consequently, it’s open to misinterpretation, in particular to being applied too liberally, and I’ve seen it misunderstood a number of times recently.

What’s the Context for Understanding Shared Libraries in Microservices?

Only recently, I’ve picked up that different people mean different things when they talk about using shared libraries. Continue reading

Design Kata: Learn software architecture while having fun

Children practising a karate kata. This article describes design kata, where software developers practise designing software architecture.At Tyro, we don’t have anyone with the title of Architect, Designer or Tech Lead who designs software and then asks other people to build it. Instead, each team of Software Engineers does architecture and design as part of their iteration planning sessions for the stories we’re taking on.

As a Team Lead, the two main goals I keep in mind for each person are: keep them happy and keep them growing. One of the ways I try to ensure this happens is by meeting with each person regularly so we can chat about how to make sure these things are true or at least heading in the right direction.

A topic that’s come up with a few people lately is software design and architecture. Specifically, I’ve had a couple of comments along the lines of: “When we’re designing things, I want to contribute more, but I’m not really sure where to start.” Continue reading

Microservices Security: All The Questions You Should Be Asking

I spoke earlier in the year at the Sydney Microservices Meetup about the long path we’ve taken at Tyro Payments over the last decade, gradually tending towards a more fine-grained SOA approach – microservices as it’s come to be known recently.

Hacker-looking character sitting at a Mac in a dark room, checking out your microservices securityI covered a lot of ground in that talk, but something I didn’t get around to talking about was security. However, I believe that’s a really important topic to think about in microservice environments. It’s even more important than with a monolith, because in a service-oriented architecture you’re making a lot more of your system’s functionality directly exposed to the network, and that puts it in closer reach of would-be attackers, or “increases the attack surface” as a security pro would say.

So last week I presented another talk entitled “Microservices Security: All the Questions You Should Be Asking”.

Microservices Security: Let’s Share What We Know!

I want to tell people all about what we’ve been doing about security at Tyro lately. Security is incredibly important to the IT community and I think it’s imperative that we help each other improve. I want to share with the world some of the problems we’ve dealt with and some of the great solutions our team has built. Continue reading

Notes from YOW! 2014: Simon Brown on ‘Agility and the Essence of Software Architecture’

I attended YOW! Sydney 2014 and thought some people might get something useful out of my notes. These aren’t my complete reinterpretations of every slide, but just things I jotted down that I thought were interesting enough to remember or look into further.

Simon Brown (@simonbrown) spoke on “Agility and the essence of software architecture”. (Slides, Video)

He started with a great Dave Thomas quote:

“Big design up front is dumb.
No design up from is even dumber.”

Whiteboard covered in a circuit diagram, which looks pretty similar to a typical software architectureSoftware Architecture Agility

He went on to tell us…

Delivering software in an agile way doesn’t guarantee that you’ll develop an agile architecture.

A good architecture enables agility.

He asked “Are monolithic architectures agile?” and proposed the answer, “Well, they could be. Just because you have to deploy it all at once doesn’t mean it’s not agile.”

Which naturally lead into a discussion of what does agility mean? Continue reading