In February, I presented a talk at the Sydney Microservices Meetup titled “Microservices at Tyro: An Evolutionary Tale”.
Microservices at Tyro
I wanted to talk mostly about things we’ve been doing with microservices at Tyro Payments over the last year, but also about the almost 10 years of practice with distributed computing that has led us towards what we’re doing today.
I’ve merged my slides and the audio from the talk into a video, which you can watch below. If you’re more the reading type, there’s a transcript from the talk beneath the video. My talk goes for 40 minutes and then there’s 20 minutes of Q&A.
The talk covers:
- Who is Tyro Payments?
- Why are we doing Microservices?
- Tyro’s Architecture History
- Current development in Microservices
- Tyro Microservices Practices
- Asynchronous Communication Strategies
- Helping Out Ops
- Microservices Technologies and Patterns
- Challenges we’ve been having at Tyro
- Microservices pre-requisites